<% Dim Conn, id, entid Set Conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("green.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};pwd=4553030" Dim objRs_hotnews Dim objRs,objRs_subjects,ps Set objRs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'creating a recordset with the name objRs Set objRs_hotnews=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'creating a recordset with the name objRs Set objRs_hotnews=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'creating a recordset with the name objRs Set objRs_subjects=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'creating a recordset with the name objRs Set objRs_course=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'creating a recordset with the name objRs Dim sid, sname, vtype vtype=Request("vtype") sid=Request("stu_no") sname=Request("stu_name") 'if sid="" then 'Response.Redirect("invalid.asp") 'end if Dim vname 'if vtype="Certificate" then vname="Student Certificate" objRs.Open "SELECT student_verification.sid, student_verification.first_name, student_verification.last_name, student_verification.country, student_verification.course_id, student_verification.course, student_verification.level, student_verification.standard, student_verification.duration, student_verification.completion_date FROM student_verification WHERE (((student_verification.sid)='" & sid & "'))",Conn,3,3 'end if Dim sample if sid="S11/AUS" then sample=" - Sample" end if %>
Verification Result

Online Certificate Verification

<% if (objRs.Recordcount<>0) then %>


<% END IF %> <% if (objRs.Recordcount=0) then %>


<% END IF %>
<% if objRs.Recordcount<>0 then %>
REG.NO   <%response.Write(objRs("sid"))%>
FULL NAME   <%response.Write(objRs("first_name"))%>
COURSE   <%response.Write(objRs("course"))%>
COUNTRY   <%response.Write(objRs("country"))%>
STANDARD   <%response.Write(objRs("standard"))%>
DATE ISSUED   <%response.Write(objRs("completion_date"))%>
<% END IF %> <% if objRs.Recordcount=0 then %>
REG.NO   Invalid
FULL NAME   Invalid
COURSE   Invalid
STANDARD   Invalid
<% END IF %>
<% if (objRs.Recordcount<>0) then %> Card image cap <% END IF %> <% if (objRs.Recordcount=0) then %> Card image cap <% END IF %>

Student Verification:


What Our Students Say!